Category Archives: readers

The Gift of a Good Story


Looking for a special gift to give to a young reader? My latest novel, LULA BELL ON GEEKDOM, FREAKDOM & THE CHALLENGES OF BAD HAIR promises laughter, tears, laughter THROUGH tears, and ultimately a heart full-to-bursting with joy! Plus, if you buy a copy of LULA BELL…(or SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT), I’ll happily send you a signed, personalized, bookplate. Just email me at [email protected] and tell me how and to whom you’d like me to sign it, and provide your mailing address.

To my way of thinking, there is no better gift than a good story! Combine that with a long winter’s day, a roaring fire, a comfy chair, a full stomach, and the chatter of family, and you have the perfect day! That is what I wish for you, my friends.

Merry Christmas! XOXO

Readers Rock!

How so? Well, for starters, readers tend to be very well-traveled. For them, a trip to Venice, Paris, or New Orleans is as close as the local library. I, personally, have traveled the world many times over through books.   Also, readers are never alone–unless they choose to be. I always carry a whole cast of fascinating… Continue Reading